June 25, 2009

Dear Santa

Amongst my many interests is photography.  A few months ago I took the plunge a bought my first digital SLR camera.  I had been a very good girl last year, and as a special Christmas gift to myself I went to the B&H Photo website and clicked purchase on the Nikon D40.  Don’t get me wrong this decision was met with much debate, all the Cannon verses Nikon fuss.  After months of research and a few sleepless nights, my heart was set and my new hobby would be flying high.

My father dabbled into photography when I was a young child.  I remember his workspace was a darkroom; he would let me sit and watch him develop pictures.   It was a lengthy process in which you would dip the photo paper in different chemical trays.  I watched as the faces and places would appear on the pain white paper, and he would always let me hang the photographs to dry.  For a young child it was pure magic, it’s such an amazing process to watch an image form in a darkroom.  The digital age we now live in has left the dark room behind, but it’s a memory I will hold onto forever.   

So, without further a due I wanted to introduce you to my new baby.  Most of the pictures you will see on this blog will be a product of her expertise (and yes she is digital): The Nikon D40!!

Thanks Santa!  This year I promise to be naughty and save you a trip. 

1 comment:

  1. When I was a senior in highschool, part of my art IV class was photography, complete with a dark room. It was amazing! I had the best time taking and devleoping my own photos. Cherished memories for me as well.

    BTW, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the blog! Looking forward to visiting often:)
