July 30, 2009

Forever Young

Today Britt is 13,870 days old!!
(give or take a few days for leap year)

For years I use to carry a copy of this poem in my bible. I prayed hard to find a good man, and believe you me I have waited a long time so many prayers were said. Britt, God has answered my prayers and I am so blessed to know you and call you mine. We are so perfect together, and I hope to spend 20,000 more days with you celebrating your life. Winnie the Pooh said it best when he told Christopher Robin: "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I will never have to live without you." I can not imagine my life anymore without you in it, all of my tomorrows need to have you near. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby!!!

A Man of Noble Character

A man of noble character, Who can find?
His worth is far more than even solid gold
He is so tall when he is on his knees, he reaches all the way to heaven.
This my friend, is a man of faith, a man of faith and prayer that is.
He is a leader through the example of hard work, perseverance, integrity,
loyalty, and selflessness that he shows wherever he goes.
He provides and protects for those in his life.
He is not afraid of communication for he knows and
understands it is essential to all relationships.
He lives his life with an extra dosage of peace,
patience, and self-control to help him solve any problem.
He is a man of contentment, but he is not afraid to take risk.
He has what it takes because the Lord is his strength.
I love this man, who makes me laugh to have a good time.
His smile melts my heart as I gaze into his eyes and think,
how lucky I am to have found this noble man.

Sorry I could not help myself, the pictures are to cute.

Who couldn't love a face like this? Simply Irresistible!!


  1. Britt, you sure do have a nice beard in this picture!

  2. Wow...if I didn't know better I'd swear you wrote that poem ABOUT Britt! He IS all of those things! I am so happy that the two of you found each other. I could not imagine a more perfect couple. You guys are great together!

    Happy Birthday Britt! You found a keeper baby;)


  3. LOL Scrap - to bad Britt can't grow a beard like his good old dad!!
