July 20, 2009

Row, Row, Row your boat

We spent Saturday canoeing down the Whiskey Chitto River.  As we drove up to the rental place there was good old Bearcat with his famous tie-dye shirt on directing traffic.  And the not so famous bus was still parked in the back with graffiti writing "canoe naked."  Umm, please don't. I do not think I have the stomach to handle seeing any of you people naked. Rachel and I were in line to pay for our canoe and she whispers "If you have friends from out of town and wanted to scare them you could drop them off in this place."  Yep Rach I agree, it is like a foreign country in Mittie Louisiana, everyone is as good as gold but - well you know. It's always an interesting trip but always a good time.  This year marks our 3rd annual canoe trip with my cousins, and true to tradition Blake tried to dunk everyone in the water, the kids rolled down the sand hill and lodged sand in every crevasse of their bodies, and Holly flipped her canoe.  We beat the monsoon rain heading our way by 5 minutes, and yes if you must know my butt is still sore.

(2008 canoe trip)

1 comment:

  1. Mittie, Lousisana? I have been canoeing there...had no idea I was in a place called Mittie though!
    See what too many beers do to you kids?
