July 27, 2009

Some Girls Have all the Luck

O no you didn't - my cousin Rachel invited me to see Rod Stewart live in concert Friday night. I am always hesitant about attending concerts because I don't care much for large crowds of strange people stuffed in a warm building with all the lights turned off. Actually just typing that made my palms sweaty and now I am feel claustrophobic.  Hold on................ No really, I love music and for the most part I can muster up the courage to put that fear behind me to enjoy the show. But wait America, I have found the answer to my dilemma: The Woodlands Pavilion. It is an outdoor amphitheater!!! We got to the venue early, spread our blanket on the lawn, and plopped our little hiney right in the front on the grass. The weather was beautiful with a cool breeze in the air, and we both enjoyed a rather pleasant plastic glass of red wine. Rod rocked the stage and he played all his classic music, and sorry but we did sing right along with him.

We had a jam packed weekend, we stayed at Rachel's brother house in Houston. We slept late Saturday morning from the long concert and woke up to Justin cooking breakfast for us with a pot of fresh coffee on. We did some shopping after breakfast, and laid out by the pool when we got back. Justin also had Astro/Mets tickets lined up for us on Saturday night. The Astros lost 10-1, but it was worth the money seeing Ivan Rodriguez (I-Rod) warm up right next to us before the game!!!   

We ended the weekend attending the Cirque du Soleil Saltimbanco in the Toyota Center Sunday afternoon. Britt and I had seen the Love/Beatles show in Vegas and we fell in love with the whole idea, so I was super excited to see another show. Saltimbanco did not disappoint!! I found a clip on YouTube to give you a little preview of what we saw. It is quite amazing to see live, and I had to constantly remind myself to blink. 

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