August 20, 2009

A Grandmother's Love

This week my grandmother celebrated her 86th birthday. She was my Dad's mom, and grew up picking cotton in a small town community called Pecan Island. Needless to say she has seen much change occur in her life since 1923, the year she was born. She only had one son, but her life has been full of family, friends, and church. Both of my parents passed away at an all to early age, so my grandmother has been the rock of our family and a savior in my life. Trust me - I would not be the person I am today without this woman. 

If any of you have met my grandmother just the thought of her would bring a smile to your face. She has such a happy disposition on life, she is ever so humble, and kindness oozes from every fiber of her being. She still leads a very active life, and makes the best chocolate cake ever (this is her speciality and everyone always request it). Growing up my grandfather and grandmother showed me a wonderful example of a loving respectful relationship. My grandmother evokes such precious childhood memories, and I am so blessed to have her in my life. Happy Happy Birthday Maw Maw!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed to have her. Happy Birthday Maw Maw...hope to meet you one day:)
