September 28, 2009

Waving the White Flag

Last month I declared war on the weeds in the courtyard. I have spent hours pulling them all out just to see them rear their ugly heads a week later. It is fall in South Louisiana which finally gives us a break from the summer heat and slightly enjoyable evenings outside. So I wanted those weeds gone and it was roundup to the rescue. Yes, that was a month ago and three rounds of treatment later I think I have won the war, fingers crossed. This weekend I gave the patio furniture a fresh coat of paint, pulled the dead weeds out, picked up some fresh dirt, three beautiful shi-shi camellias, lavender, and here is the beginning of our patio makeover. 



Last night I had dreams of beautiful hydrangeas, vines, a large umbrella, cushioned seats, bar-b-que pit, stained concrete, water fountain, and all the shade loving plants that will soon live in my new favorite space. 

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