November 06, 2009

All I Want To Say Is...

PHOTOSHOP will be the death of me. I have taken on the dreadful task of learning this photo editing program, while I consider myself somewhat of a savvy computer user this little undertaking will no doubt be the cause of many stinkin' headaches. To say that Photoshop is not user friendly at all would be a huge understatement. The user manual is larger than my Bible. I am trucking along and after many hours have made a little progress that I can share with you. It is highly addictive and highly frustrating all in one breath. With all this talk of layers, masks, actions, and filters who knows what is up or down anymore?

All criticism, suggestions, pats on the back, and wine are welcome and needed.

So here goes nothing!

This is Britt's beautiful cat Sigma my very first victim.

SOOC (straight out of camera) picture:
After a little seventies editing action:

SOOC (straight out of camera) picture:
A boost of contrast and color and bringing out her eyes:

SOOC (straight out of the camera) picture:
Using a little warming action:


  1. Good luck sweetheart! I played arount with PS in my photography class and after just two hours decided I would pay someone A LOT of money to do this crap for me.

    Very frustrating, but if you can figure it out, it will be awesome!!

    BTW: I miss ya'll:(
    We playing on Sunday for the game?

  2. She looks exactly like a cat a had when I was in high school and was about 10 years old when my parents moved out of their trailer & was moving into an apartment so they couldn't take her with them. I cried my eyes out because someone took her when they had a garage sell & she was starting to have arthritis & going blind. It was a very sad day and Sigma is a spitting image of mine which was named Sugar.

  3. Maygan - Sigma is a blue-point siamese cat, and we love her like our baby. Britt has had her for 8 yrs, it took her a long time to warm up to me but she is so fun!!!

    Amy- we miss you guys, come visit before PS kills me!!!
