November 19, 2009

Great Grandma Choate Gets A Makeover

My grandmother came to me with this picture of her mother, and needless to say the photograph has seen its better day. She wanted me to scan it and make a copy for her and her brother on my computer thing. I scanned the picture and notice all the white spots from the original and knew I could do something to make it better. So Grandma Choate, I don't remember you, but we are getting a makeover today!! I am willing to bet this will be your first one.

The original picture:

The little action called the healing tool brush is a miracle in Photoshop. It's on the left hand side bar and has the icon of a band-aid, very fitting!! Right click on the icon and select "Healing Brush Tool." Once the tool is selected hold the option button on your keyboard to copy the area you want to mimic. Then carefully apply the brush tool on the area to be healed. It's really that simple. If you are dumb enough to believe anything is that simple in Photoshop.

Goodbye blemishes:

Grandma with a little Sepia Tone:

She was nineteen years old in this picture, and she made her dress by hand. My grandmother says her mother was the kindest sweetest person she knew. Considering I think (no, I know) that my grandmother is the kindest sweetest person I know, I bet my family owes a lot to Hellen Veazey Choate for raising her family with such beauty and dignity. She had eight children. I did a little math in my head and have come to the conclusion that this picture is around 109 years old, probably taken in the 1900's. So there you go Granny your very first makeover - looking good!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! 100 years old! I just love family's so interesting, no?

    And I LOVE that healing tool! It's the only thing I really played around with in PS b/c the icon is so damn cute! Yeah, things like that draw me in...ridiculous I know!
