December 21, 2009

It's Not That Complicated

Nancy Meyer is a writer, producer, director and frankly a pure genius. Her movie set designs have graced many a design blogs, and all of them are sheer eye candy. Christmas Day she is going to do it again with Meryl Streep in the new movie "It's Complicated." Can I go see a movie just to get design ideas? I know you have seen some of her movies: The Parent Trap, Something's Gotta Give, The Holiday, and Father of the Bride. Each of those movie sets could be an entirely different blog post in itself. Saturday was a much needed lazy day, I got to watch two of her movies, and I fell in love with them all over again. Today I leave you with her latest and greatest set from "It's Complicated." Thanks to Traditional Home for giving us these fab photos (click on the link to check out the rest of the design set), and Jon Hutman the production designer!!

Love the color scheme in this room, very stylish and calming.

I adore this kitchen, it looks like someone really cooks in here!!
Very fitting that the star of the movie (Meryl) owns a bakery.

What a great mix of bright colors in this living room.

1 comment:

  1. I watch "Somethings gotta give" just to see that beautiful house on the beach. Every square inch of it is just perfection to me! I'm not certain, but I have dreamt up in my own head that she lives in the Hamptons in that movie.

    I spent a great part of last weekend trying to convince Mike to move to the Hamptons where we could be close to the city and I could become a writer.

    Still working on persuading him;)
