January 17, 2010

All You Need is Love

Today Britt and I celebrate one complete entire year of dating, or 365 days of falling head over heels in love with each other. It's been a whirlwind of fun, adventure, and surprise. I wanted to capture all the things we have done this past year so I surprised him with a photobook of our first year together. Looking back so much has happened in just one year. We did a lot of traveling, we "survived" all the holidays together, ran in a few races, and celebrated good times with some amazingly fabulous friends.
So back to my book.... I loved making this photo book. I spend hours putting this little thing together, collecting pictures, editing pictures, uploading and organizing them just perfectly. It was so worth it and I was so proud to give him this book of our first memories together. A huge tilt of the hat to Snapfish for printing the book in such high quality. Hopefully, this is the first book of many more milestones to a long wonderful life together. Next edition: The Wedding!!! (then maybe a baby carriage??!!??)


First Page

Trip to Vegas

Mardi Gras

Jump Jump

Back Cover

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