January 02, 2010

Of Course I Said Yes

You ever meet someone who almost immediately feels like you have know them for years? Britt feels like that for me and its delightful. The night I met him almost immediately I was struck by the eerie feeling that I had just found Mr. Right. But that was way to crazy for my level headed feet on the ground way of living, or was is it?

New Years Eve (almost one year after I laid eyes on him) Britt asked me to marry him. It was perfect and a fantastic surprise. He brought me back to the place where we met, and with 20 of our close friends and family he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. I squealed a barely audible "YES!!!" As I type this story my little fingers are still numb from the reality of it all and wait....... ahhh there are the tears whaling up in my eyes. To have finally found that one true love that all the poets write about, the musicians sing about, and people sacrifice their life for. I feel so blessed. After the proposal our dear friend Eric made a beautiful comment that has stayed in my heart. Eric is a very wise man partly because he leans on God for direction and answers in his life. He has been married for over 20 years and said that marriage is a wonderful commitment and one of the most amazing things he has been apart of in his life. Excitement fills my every being. Thank you God for giving me this man, for creating him in your image and likeness, and for making me a suitable partner for him.

"And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only. It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world. Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning." -Paulo Coelho

Cheers to a New Year and a new chapter in our lives. Britt, thanks for showing me that fairy tales are real.


  1. And I couldn't be any happier for ya'll.....the happy and DESERVING COUPLE!!! Toast to 2010!!

  2. Congratulation!!! Fairy Tales are true!

  3. Congrats guys!! So happy and excited for you both:)

  4. What an excellent "chapter" beginning. I'm wishing both a lifetime of happiness with endless love !

    Rick Randol

  5. congratulations on your engagement! i don't know you... i linked over from the comment you left on velvet & linen. but i can't read about an engagement without saying congrats!
