February 18, 2010

A Sixpence Richer

I have never been satisfied with simply doing something for tradition sake. While I love tradition and consider myself a traditional girl I always have to know the reason behind the tradition before I step out and just do it. Weddings are steeped in tradition, and I have done my research on just about each tradition. So when my stepmother said she would let me "borrow" the lucky sixpence that has been in her family, I began to question just what and why I needed a coin in my shoe.
So I think just about anyone on the planet has heard "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" and I, just like most of you, though the poem stopped there but they have a part that is often left out ".......a lucky sixpence in her shoe!!" This coin symbolizes the promise of a lifetime of good fortune for the bride and a lifetime of good health, happiness, and wealth for the newlywed couple. Don't get me wrong I am marring Britt for true love sake, but what sane person would not want to beckon wealth on her wedding day?

Something old represents the link with the bride's family and past. Something new represents good fortune and success in the bride's new life. Something borrowed is to remind the bride that friends and family will be there for her when help is needed long after the wedding is over. Something blue is the symbol of faithfulness and loyalty. A sixpence in her shoe is to wish the bride and groom wealth.

My something old - my mother's diamond from her engagement ring
My something new - a new pendant neckless to put the diamond in to wear for the big day
My something borrowed - the sixpence coin in a lace envelope
My something blue - ribbon on the coin
And I now have a lucky sixpence for my left shoe!!!

Here are a few random facts that I found very interesting:
In 1775 a law was passed that a wedding was not legal if the bride wore any make-up during the ceremony. It was considered entrapment and so the groom would be trapped by the illusion.
Brides stand to the left of the groom because long ago the groom needed to keep his sword hand free to defend his bride from attack.
Bridal veil were first used when arranged marriages were common, the bride would keep the blusher covering her face till after the vows so the groom could not back out.

Stay tuned for more traditions to come.

1 comment:

  1. OH, NO! I didn't know about the sixpence!!!

    I need a redo! deClouet wedding part deux?
