April 27, 2010

About a Girl

I love lots of things, and the color pink would have to be one of the top 10 things I love, probably right below coffee. And nothing in this world says "girl" more than pink.

When my dear friend Kim was put on bed rest with the pregnancy of her second child my help was beckoned to fix up the nursery. My only stipulation was we had to use pink. When she showed me her color choice for the room, this Pristine pink paint swatch from Benjamin Moore, I was smitten. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into making this room happen (actually their was no blood or tears, just a little sweat and lots of time).

I have to say it has turned out amazing!!! Kim has such an eye for mixing and matching antiques with a modern elegant flare.

Cuteness to the max!!!!!

I can hardly stand it, waiting for Miss Baby to see this big wide world, but she still needs to bake for a few more weeks in mommy's belly!!!


  1. You really are an awesome decorator! The room is beautiful, it looks like it is out of a magazine! I will definately want you help when I decide to have children. You have an eye for perfection!! Where did you get the skirting on the crib...too cute!

  2. Thanks girl, the room was a collaboration of my friend Kim and I!!! The skirting was made by a lady that she works with. I love it to, one of my favorite things in the room.

  3. OMG! This room makes my ovaries ache to have a girl!!!

    Shhhh! Don't tell anyone!
