June 10, 2010

Dear Old Dad

Sunday was the annual Acadiana Hibiscus Chapter plant show and sale. The chapter was created in 1999 by my father and after his death the name was changed to honor him. It is a non-profit organization of individuals sharing a common interest in cultivating and growing varieties of Hibiscus.

They had around 500 incredible blooms on display, and I can only imagine the smile on my dad's face. He was what you would call a hibiscus expert, and an avid grower. He had a huge greenhouse and would graft and crossbreed the flowers. It was quite amazing, and quite a passion my dad enjoyed in his spare time. It was good to see his old friends and to be surrounded by the blooms he found so entertaining.

This is the beauty I came home with, her name is Moonlight Madness!!!!
Let's hope I can keep her alive.

These beautiful flowers make me miss my father. It broke my heart the day he died, he was only 51 years old. He was my pillar, my biggest fan, the first man I ever loved, and the man I measured all men against. I miss calling him with questions and concerns. I miss sharing in our latest projects or obsessions. I miss his wisdom and advise. I miss the way he smelled after smoking his pipe. I miss the sound of his voice. I just miss him. I will always miss him.

The flower he created

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ann! I so wish I had known about this plant show! Hibiscus are so beautiful with their huge blooms and vibrant colors! We just purchased two big plants for our garden.

    (Check my blog for a pic)

    Your Dad sounds wonderful:)
