June 03, 2010

Project Progress Update

We are making lots of progress in our courtyard. We planted a few plants and they are thriving, it is a huge source of relaxation for me to come home from work, pour my glass of wine, water the plants, and just sit.

Still have a long list of things to do but it is starting to look nice. I bought some outdoor fabric to make cushions for the chairs, we need an umbrella to shield the table from the sun, move my BBQ pit, power wash the cement, tackle the space around the AC unit, and most importantly watch the plant grow and grow and grow.

I love before and after pictures so here you go:




Here are a few of my favorite little babies growing strong in the courtyard. We also planted a Persian Lime Tree, lots of Herbs, Jasmine to cover the electrical junk, a Peggy Martin Antique Rose, Sweet Olive Bush, and a few Camellias.

Passion Flower.....


Roma Tomatoes.....

New light fixtures.....

Create Myrtles......

Zebra Plant.....


  1. I am so freaking impressed. The before and after pics are shockingly drastic!

    You've put in a lot of work...and it's paid off!

    LOVE that passion flower!!!!

  2. So I can only think of one thing that would make it better.....a nice FLAT SCREEN TV to mount on that brick wall to entertain your "oh so closest friends and family"
