October 29, 2010

Georgia On My Mind

We have made it back from our annual Hilton Head golf trip. The hubs ends his grueling 8 month golf season on this lovely little island, and I always "need" a little trip out of town. The highlight of my week was our day trip to Savannah. We started our day eating some grilled oysters at Uncle Bubba's then headed to the beautiful parks and walked around town.

They have some wonderful shopping in Savannah, this little home store was my favorite!! I also went to my first ever Circa Lighting store - amazing!!!

After the parks and shops we went to the City Market and checked out the art and candy. We had wine and cheese at this amazing tapas restaurant. Cosmopolitan magazine called it "the sexiest places in the world, a must do."

Then we made it to River Street to watch the sunset.

We ended our day taking a haunted ghost tour, it was quite interesting to say the least.

Now back to the mounds of dirty clothes, work, and preparing for our busy halloween weekend. I need a vacation from our vacation.


  1. I do believe Mike portrays the "sexiness" of Jazz'd quite well in that pic;)

  2. Yes Amy I agree!!! I so had to put that picture in there, but I did leave out the fake falling down the stairs and reading the statue book - LOL!!! What a fun day we had.
