November 24, 2010

Thank You Father


We all have some much to be thankful for everyday. We have a heavenly father who adores us, who is crazy about us, who thinks we are amazing, who created us in His image and likeness, who counts every hair on our head, and He wants the best for you and your life. How amazing is that and how thankful I feel today for every breath, every tear, every smile, and every beat of my heart.

I just had to share this video. That is my dear old dad playing the guitar and singing in the background, and I am the obnoxious kid next to him crying (it's ok you can laugh)!!! I love the sound of my dad's voice. I LOVE this song!!!

The Butterfly Song

If I were a butterfly
I'd thank you Lord for giving me wings
If I were a robin in a tree
I'd thank you Lord that I could sing
If I were a fish in the sea
I'd wiggle my tail and I'd giggle with glee
But I just thank you Father for making me, me

For you gave me a heart and you gave me a smile
You gave me Jesus and you made me your child
And I just thank you Father for making me, me

If I were an elephant
I'd thank you Lord by raising my trunk
If I were a kangaroo
You know I'd hop right up to you
If I were an octopus
I'd thank you Lord for my fine looks
But I just thank you Father for making me, me

If I were a wiggly worm
I'd thank you Lord that I could squirm
If I were a fuzzy, wuzzy bear
I'd thank you Lord for my fuzzy, wuzzy hair
If I were a crocodile
I'd thank you Lord for my great smile
But I just thank you Father for making me, me.

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