January 20, 2011

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

I did a little updating in our master bedroom this weekend with fabric. It is still a work in progress but its coming along beautifully. I finally found some floral fabric that the man of the house could live with, huge accomplishment - right? Floral and men are two words that just don't go together, but we found a happy medium. I made a body pillow with the fabric that stretches across the bed.

I LOVE this trellis fabric and finally finished sewing a slip cover for my little ottoman. I got the desk at an antique fair last year for super cheap and it fits perfectly as my nightstand. I was thinking of painted it but everyone voted me out. The desk drawer is made of a tiger wood and it is in great shape.

I got this crystal lamp at TJ Max a few months back. I spotted it across the store and went back to look at it 3 times before I bought it. It was 100 bucks, a little more than I wanted to pay for a bedside lamp but this sucker is nice. Its so heavy I struggle to pick it up, and the shade is a fine linen that matches with our duvet.

I live for before and after pictures, it so fun. You probably remember the before picture of the bachelor pad I moved into, but just incase you forgot.

The before.............

If you can ignore the old carpet and the fact that we have no art work on the wall yet, here is the after (for right now)..................

Let's see if I can remember all the details: paint colors are White Linen and Manchester Tan both from Benjamin Moore. The mirror comes from Ikea, Britt's night stand I got on clearance at Christian Street Market, the white vase is from Z Gallery. Our bed comes from Kaya Furniture , we had to wait over 6 months for it to ship from Indonesia but it was well worth the wait. All of our bedding comes from Bed Bath and Beyond. The cedar chest Britt had in garage and painted it. The curtains I made myself with some robin's egg blue fabric I found on ebay.

I am hoping to find some old artwork on our Round Top trip to put above my desk, and one day we will put hardwood floors upstairs in our room. A friend asked me the other day "what are you going to do when you run out of projects for your house?" I laughed - I don't think my mind can ever fathom that idea, I would have to paint something over again or move out.


  1. The transformation of this room is STUNNING!!!! I'm so glad you posted before and after pics...It's SO dramatic!!!

    You are such a talent Ann!

  2. Yeah so I'm gonna reserve you now for when I get a house.....k thank you!!!!
