March 02, 2011

23 Days and Counting

My first Round Top adventure is only weeks away. I have been dreaming of the miles and miles of antiques for over a year. While I am going with a list of things I want for my house, I am also going knowing that I will be surprised and come home with things I never imagined I needed. But the one thing I absolutely need and will not come home without is chandeliers!!!! I want a crystal one to hang in our stairway and a rustic one for over the dining table.

Here are my inspirations......

(via Pottery Barn)

(via Greige)


(via Martha Stewart)

(via Tommy Smythe)


  1. That trip is going to be amazing!! I am hopeful that by this time next year, I will be in a different place financially, perhaps with a different job, and I too can experience the magic of roundtop.

    I've been thinking a lot about chandeliers lately too. One over the bath tub in my bathroom, and one in the nursery...if by some chance it's a girl. (I'M FEELING BOY!)

    Ahhh, so much to furnish, so little money;) Have fun,'s going to be great!!

  2. I'm so ready to find great deals!!!! Can't wait!

