March 21, 2011

I Got A Fever

And the only prescription... is MORE COWHIDE!!!

I got this rug from Ikea a few years ago and it's been sitting in my closet. I don't know what to do with it yet. It worked great in my old house but I can not find a place for it in our new house.

Honestly I can not make up my mind if it is creepy to have a cow on the floor?

In a futile attempt to find her a home I hit the internet for some inspiration and here are my top 3 favorites.

(via David Jimenez)

She is still in the closet.


  1. LOL!! The first line of this post is hilarious!!

    I think it would look great by your computer nook in the living in that second pic.

  2. have you found a home for your cowhide yet? Had to get one too last year! We have it under our coffee table in the living room! Looks like you got a lot of cool things from texas.
