July 28, 2011

Don't Judge Me

I was hesitant to post this picture on my blog but here you go world, I am airing my dirty laundry out for all to see: the before picture. We are in the process of clearing out the room that will become the babies room. Everything has been moved in the middle of the floor and this is what my lovely little nursery looks like right now. GASP.......

It was my husbands home office / my junk room / place for anything that did not have a place. We have moved the hubs office into the guest bedroom and still trying to clear out some of the stuff. We got our rocker delivered today by my beautiful lovely sister in law all the way from Houston and our crib is in route!!! Things are moving fast, but this room needs clearing out before anything else gets done. Sigh.

Horrid before pictures makes juicy after pictures!!! I can not wait.


  1. It's going to be great! No worries...it will all get done!

  2. Scrolling down from "Feels like home" to "Don't judge me" it an adventure for those of us who follow you...but judgement is not being cast, and looking forward to the after pics.
