July 05, 2011

First Comes Love

Then comes marriage. In January we will be pushing a baby carriage!!!!

Went to the doctor again today to hear the little heartbeat, it was so amazing!!! We are 14 weeks and officially in the 2nd trimester. I started a little journal (with pictures of course) to document my pregnancy. I am hoping to make a book out of it once our little bundle of joy has entered the world.

I am very excited to start decorating the nursery, and excited to keep you in the loop with every little detail. I have felt great the last few weeks but my energy was zapped, I could hardly peel myself off the sofa much less write a blog post. I was very uninspired the past 3 months. No fear the nesting is slowly kicking in and I will have mucho material for my little blog!!!


  1. I SO LOVE your book idea! So cute, and it will be such a great keepsake of this special time!

    Yay for the nesting kicking in!!! Your baby is so lucky...He/She will have the most adorable room ever!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So exciting and so happy for you!!!
    Hope you feel well soon.
