August 15, 2011

Week 18

We found out last week that a beautiful bouncing baby boy is in our future!!! My husband is beyond excited and I am thrilled. As you can see my belly is still growing, and we are at the half way mark for the big day we get to meet him. Our little man is the size of a small cantaloupe this week - wow!!!!


  1. Love that me, you, and Amy will all have sweet boys around the same age!

  2. Wow, that published from Paul's account (Domer). It's actually Alison.

  3. Yes!!! Alison we will have to get them all together. I saw your pics on fb so CUTE. Britt calls him "little pork chop"

  4. Yeah, he's pretty much a clone of Paul. He's got my eyes though, and I'm crossing my fingers that they stay blue!
