October 05, 2011


I was not going to post any more pictures of the nursery until it was all done, but I just can't help it. It's to cute to keep all to myself. We went to Ikea this weekend and got the finishing touches for the room. The curtains are up and I put my Sarah Jane print in the frame to hang above the crib. Still have a big to do list but it's starting to come together.......

I fell in love this this gator, he was so cute and only $14.99 at Ikea......


  1. Loooove the sneak peek!! That print is so stinkin' cute.

    Where did you get your owl on your Ikea chair? I think I need it for the Peanut's room. Much like you needed the alligator! =]

  2. Hey, I was wondering what paint color you used on the walls. I am doing a similar color palate in our nursery. Thanks.
