October 28, 2011

Week 30

This week is a huge milestone for me (and the little peanut). Week 30: we are finally in the 30's, the baby could thrive and survive outside my belly, in the 3rd trimester, 10 weeks left, and 70 more DAYS!!! I feel like we are finally in the home stretch, my life is slowing down and I am taking time to relax and enjoy this stage in our lives.

We went for an ultrasound last week and he was weighing in at 3 lbs, which puts him in the 70th percentile for his age. Of course he was showing off for us sucking his toes, making faces, and poor baby has had the hiccups every time we take a look at him.

I have a new found respect for my mother and what she went through to have me in this world. I really can not understand how my body will handle the peanut growing anymore. But those who have gone before me assure me that I will stretch, I will grow bigger than imaginable, and I will go back to "normal."

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