March 14, 2012

2 Months

Wowzers time really does fly by with kids. Michael is learning to coo and smile this month, and boy does he love it when you talk to him. He is sleeping 8 to 9 hours each night and has been doing this since 4 weeks. I do realize how lucky we are, and each night I put him to sleep I think to myself "is tonight the night my luck runs out?" but low and behold he wakes up around 7am laughing and smiling in his bed.

Here are his monthly pictures side by side.......

And a few more pictures of this month......



  1. Ellen decloue RitchMarch 14, 2012 at 9:54 PM

    I can only hope that when my little one comes that he will have the same sleeping pattern....any tricks I should know about?

  2. I read Baby Wise and Baby Whisperer and do a combination of both books. Basically if you feed them about every 3 hours during the day they have enough calories to sleep all night. It's worked like a charm for us!!!

  3. O and how could I forget the Nap Nanny - he has sleep in that thing from day one. Those things are golden!!!

  4. He's too pretty to be a boy!!!! ;-)


  5. I cannot get enough of this baby! He is so beautiful!!!
