June 07, 2012

4 & 5 Months

I took 4 month pictures but never got around to editing and posting them and now Michael is well into 5 months of his wonderful little life so we are doing the past 2 months today!! My man is growing so fast, they make so many milestones the first year of their life I feel like everyday is something new. 

4 Months

Started grabbing (everything!!!)

Love to play with my toes

First swim in the pool

I am a giggling fool

Still sleeping all night

5 Months

I can roll over now!!

Started eating carrots and sweet peas - yummy.

Went to the doctor for my checkup and Dr. Bailey said I am doing great, 
and that my parents are doing a good job.

Weighed in at 13#10oz in the 25%
Height 25.5 in the 60%
Head 16.5 in the 30%

Now we are starting to get a little collection of pictures.........

Here are a few more of my favorites


1 comment:

  1. OMG! That last one KILLS me!!!! Buy the kid a pony already!
