July 06, 2012


Sorry for the lack of post. I got my wisdom teeth taken out last week and have been on the mend, still not feeling up to par yet.

Lots going on around our house. We got a new fence for the patio and soon to be debating some stain colors!!! Our little man turned 6 months old on the 4th (Happy 4th of July y'all). I took his pictures and hope to get them up soon. Our nanny went on vacation this week so Michael got some quality time with his cousins, Aunt, Maw Maw, Grammy, and his Godfather!!! And last but not least we have a trip to Ikea planned in 2 weeks, I did some rearranging in the living room and need a few things to finish the look!!!!

I leave you with this lovely thought, and promise to be back soon!!!!

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