July 31, 2009
Happy Friday!!
July 30, 2009
Forever Young
July 28, 2009
Cold Turkey
Saute onion tops, celery, onions and apples in the oil until tender. Set aside and let cool. Mix the turkey with sauteed items and the remaining ingredients. Shape the mixture into 8 burgers. A very important step here is to refrigerate the patties for a couple of hours so that the burgers become firm and do not fall apart. Place on grill and cook each side for about 10 minutes until the burger is thoroughly cooked. Serve with Mar-a-Lago pear chutney.
1 pear, peeled and diced
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups Major Grey's Chutney
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all the ingredients above and bake for 10 minutes. Cool and serve with burgers.
Recipe adapted from Jeff O'Neill, executive chef, Mar-a-Lago Club
July 27, 2009
Some Girls Have all the Luck

July 23, 2009
My Thailand Travels
July 20, 2009
Row, Row, Row your boat
July 19, 2009
You quack me up!
July 17, 2009

July 14, 2009
It's a Family Tradition
July 09, 2009
Back in the Swim of Things
July 08, 2009
Love minus the Love Handles
July 06, 2009
Forever is a Long Time
I know some people will just never get it, but you had me at hello with your pop-art-like design. My only struggle is do I give this to my favorite 4 year old niece who bleeds hot pink, or do I keep it for myself in the hopes that one day I will have a place for it? My niece would love it and her birthday is in a month. What a special gift, she would know that her Nanny will love her "for like ever." I fell in love with the poster on the cover of domino magazine. It's like wearing your heart on your sleeve, or I guess hanging your heart on the wall.
Cute as a button fashion designer Jessie Randall in her home.
Also in love the modern white West Elm desk behind the sofa.
July 04, 2009
America the Beautiful
July 01, 2009
Mama, I’m coming home
It’s been two years since I bought my very first home, and Dorothy said it best: “There’s no place like home.” The moment I stepped into the house I knew that she was the one I had been looking for. I wanted a diamond in the rough, an old house that need some TLC. I wanted to fix things “MY” way on my first time buyers budget. When we walked into the house it was a disaster, it was being used as a rent house and every room was filled with junk, clothes, computer parts, skate boards, etc. I saw the diamond, and everyone else saw all the rough. I walked out the house drove straight to the realtor’s office and made an offer. After signing my life away, they handed me the keys and the long nights of work began.
Here is a little taste of the work we did in the master bedroom. These pictures were taken the day I made the offer on the house; you can see my sister standing against the wall with that mortified look of disgust.
Imagination (n.) 1. a creative ability 2.The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. The ability to confront and deal with a problem creatively. Synonyms: creation, fantasy.
Well, needless to say everything in that room was cleared out, even the carpet was ripped up to reveal the beautiful oak floors underneath. I spend days taking the staples out of the floor, rented a buffing machine, and for $50 had gorgeous real wood floors in my master bedroom. Mix in a gallon of Ralph Lauren “Prince” paint, a new ceiling fan, a cup of imagination, and the final project is where I lay my sleepy little head…….
There's no place like home. There's no place like home.