To my son........
"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside."
Here is the 9 month journey that it took to finally look into your beautiful face - I love you with a love that I never knew existed until the day I met you.
Week 4
We have been trying for 3 months to get pregnant. I woke up early in the morning and I took a pregnancy test and it had two pink lines - YEPPIE we are having a baby. I jumped back in bed to wake your dad up to tell him the good news. We could not go back to sleep, I was so excited. We already love you to the moon and back.
Week 6
You are the size of a sweet pea this week (my little sweet pea). You are making me a little sick and very tired but I am enjoying the rest. We started counting down the days till our first doctor's appointment when we can get a sneak peak at you. I think your ears and eyes are developing this week and I am praying that you get your Dad's beautiful hazel eyes.
Week 9
Week 11
Week 18
Week 9
We had our first doctor's appointment this week and we saw you on the ultrasound screen. It was amazing, and the smile on your dad's face when he saw your little heartbeat was magical. Your heart sounded like a hundred galloping horses. It was big and strong and that made mommy VERY happy. You are already moving around and waving your arms at us. It's going to be a long wait until we get to see you again on the screen. I am just so happy that you are healthy.
Week 11
We won our first tennis match together. We make a good team!! You have been busy growing and growing and I think you should be almost 2 inches long, about the size of a lime!! I love how all the baby books compare what size you are to a fruit. Makes me hungry.
Week 15
We officially made it out of the first trimester!! My energy level is back and I am finally starting to feel normal again. One day I slept for 14 hours straight. I finally have a little baby bump, I always wondered what I would look like with a bump. I have worn the same pair of jeans 4 days in a row, it's the only thing that fits me. Your the size of an orange this week.
Week 18
It's a BOY!!! They could tell instantly that you were a boy. You kept putting your hands on your face, rubbing your eyes, and sucking your thumb. This week I could feel you move for the first time, it felt like little butterflies. When I am at work sitting at my desk I sometimes forget that I am pregnant and then I feel little flutters of you moving. It makes me smile.
I think Daddy and I finally decided on a name for you. It's a tough job naming someone for the rest of their life. We thought long and hard about it and wanted to give you a name that meant something special. We choose to name you after both of your grandfathers. My father was named Michael and you daddy's fathers name is Raymond. Two strong wonderful men who meant alot to both of us.
Week 24

We have been working very hard on your room. I finished painting the walls, dad put your crib together and we have decorations up!! It's filled with animals, mommy sure hopes you like animals. I have had so much fun decorating and it makes my heart happy to know that you will grow up and play in this beautiful bedroom.
Week 25
My belly is growing and growing and growing and growing, that means you are growing also. I feel like we are in the final stretch of this pregnancy and at full capacity. I cannot imagine how my belly can stretch much more. I have been craving milk and can almost finish a gallon a day if I let myself. I woke up at 3am one morning and ate an entire pineapple. I am just happy that I crave healthy stuff instead of a Big Mac.
Week 27
The doctor thinks you are weighing about 3 pounds now, and they keep telling me that I am going to have a big baby. I have a feeling that you are going to be long and skinny like your dad. It's so neat mommy can feel when you have the hiccups, and you get them alot. Only three more months till I get to see your beautiful face. I can not wait to kiss you all over.
Week 29

We took you to Las Vegas this week.
It's official we are already corrupting you.
Week 30
We got to see you in 4d this week. It was so neat to see your face and your little nose. You had the hiccups and kept moving around putting your hands in your face. I can not believe only a few months ago you were the size of a little green pea, and that one day you will be a young man.
Week 31
We had baby shower for you this weekend. It was absolutely perfect with all my favorite people. We were showered with lots of presents. It sure does take lots of things to take care of such a little person.
Week 33
We had baby shower for you this weekend. It was absolutely perfect with all my favorite people. We were showered with lots of presents. It sure does take lots of things to take care of such a little person.
Week 33
I can no longer walk anymore - I waddle. Your the size of a pineapple this week.
I have gained almost 40 pounds with you, and it's hard to breathe. I am getting lots of rest, things are quiet around the house. Everyone keeps telling me to rest now while I still can, but all Mama wants to do is meet her little man. I can not wait till I can hold you close, rock you to sleep, and smell your hair. Soon.
Week 36
Who will you look like, will you have hair, what color will your eyes be? I know you
will be the most beautiful baby in my world but I still wonder so much about you.
Will you have your dad's laid back calm personality? Will you be hyper because I drank to much caffeine?
I catch myself day dreaming about you all the time.
Week 37
We made it full term. I got my hospital bag packed and Dad started a list of all the people to call when you arrive. So many people can not wait to meet you. We had another doctor appointment this week and they seem to think that we are going to have to induce to get you to come out, I sure hope you make your entrance into this world all on your own.
We made it full term. I got my hospital bag packed and Dad started a list of all the people to call when you arrive. So many people can not wait to meet you. We had another doctor appointment this week and they seem to think that we are going to have to induce to get you to come out, I sure hope you make your entrance into this world all on your own.
Merry Christmas to my sweet baby boy!!!
I really enjoyed all the good food and Christmas sweets this year. I hope they make your cheeks fat and kissable. I keep thinking that next year for Christmas we will have a handsome little man in our life to celebrate with. Christmas day is your grandfather Michael's birthday. All week I have been missing him wishing that you could have met him.Week 40
You arrived 3 days early on January 4th at 11:21am. After 18 hours of labor and 45 minutes of pushing you made your entrance into this big beautiful world. Your dad and I were both in tears as you took your first breath. Everyone was healthy and happy. You weighted in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces and 20.5 inches long. How is it possible that out of all the little boys in the whole world, we got the best one? What an amazing journey.
Before you were born we dreamed of you,
we imagined you, we prayed for you.
Now that you are here we hope for you,
we love you, we thank God for you.