June 24, 2009

First Official Post

Here we go, I am going to give this blog thing a try.  My hesitation thus far comes from not being that great of a writer, but what I lack in words I seem to make up for in my photos and humor. 

So, just like walking into a room full of strangers - let me introduce myself. I have a great life, a small life, but a great life.  I grew up in a little town in Southern Louisiana with an amazing family.  I did the college thing because that 'would make Dad proud', and the second they put that degree in my hand I decided to sell everything I owned to travel the world doing mission work. Two years later I figured it was time to start living in the real world.  So, here I am today, working 9-5, falling in love, and having the time of my life!!

It feels kinda nice to have my own personal place to share my thoughts, wisdom, hobbies and plain old life experiences.  My life has taken me on a very interesting journey, one that has left me at times feeling scattered and confused.  But I have become aware that the past is important and necessary in discovering myself and finding true happiness.  

There you have it: my birth into the blogosphere word as we know it.  

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