June 24, 2009

Mr. Sandman

"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." 
—Robert Orben

A few of my favorite things in this life is the beginning of a long vacation, going on a road trip, that first sip of cold beer, and the ocean. So imagine my delight as we geared up to go to the beach.

Britt and I spent a few days in Florida with my sister, her family, my cousin Rachel, Jud and Haden.  We floated the lazy river, played beach volleyball, soaked up UVB, built sand castles, buried each other in the sand, rode the waves, and acted silly.  My only motto on vacation is "You can do whatever you want" so yes, I ate chips for breakfast and had a drink before noon. And my sweet little niece Emily: no one ever got tired of you saying "Where's my Nanny?"


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