July 14, 2009

It's a Family Tradition

Where do I even begin? We are officially back from Orange Beach. I had 7 hours in the car to start formulating into words our little vacation, and I am still speechless.  So, I guess I will just start at the beginning and let the story unfold.  The GGCC, the GGCC, the GGCC - that's what everyone kept talking about, and I really had no idea what it was, what it meant, or what I was in for.  Sometimes in life you just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride, as hard as that is for me to do I was bound and determined to let go, not plan ahead, not worrying about time frames, and not be in control.  So when Britt's closet friends offered me a ride down to the beach two days before our "official leaving time" I jumped in the car no questions asked. With freshly pedicured toes, I was ready to meet the Greater Gulf Coast Challenge Invitational Vacation head on. Well, the entire DeClouet family welcomed me with open arms and treated me as one of there own. Anyone standing on the outside would think this family tree is full of NUTS and I was ecstatic to be a nut too.  And my favorite part was that no one looked at me funny when I laughed so hard beer flew out of my nose, or when I had 5 jello shots and a bloody mary for breakfast, or when I almost drowned in 1.5 feet of water we call the lazy river. They just laughed with me because for a few days 'we were f-a-m-i-l-y!' 

Here are a few highlights from our trip: 

The famous Jackers: yes people he is a man after my my own heart, and in true fashion he lived up to my vacation motto "you can do what ever you want." Jack wanted a bath in the sink, Jack got a bath in the sink.  Does this kid make the cutest faces in the world? You got your hands full Mike and Amy he is going to be a ladies man!!!

"I tried being good but I got bored"

What would vacation be without a little splish splash and lots of good old natural sunlight.  After a few hot mornings on the golf course the Lazy river was a big hit with the group.  Many hours, many cases of beer, and hundreds of laps were spent floating in the river.  

The heat is on!

"Come on in I think we can fit one more"

Monday morning I decided to put my big girl pants on and support the boyfriend with his FAVORITE past time.  I neatly tucked away my plans of sleeping late and curling my toes in the sand and went with the group to play golf.  Some would say boring, and I tell you nothing is boring with this clan of people.  


"Mike dreaming of miller time on the 1st hole"

 "It's not a hazard guys" 

"Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one."
- Jane Howard

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Pics!!!! I hereby deem you an honorary deClouet;)
