July 09, 2009

Back in the Swim of Things

We are headed to the beach again!!  Going to Orange Beach, Alabama with the DeClouet family and friends for a few days of golf, sand, ocean, beer, karaoke, and laughter. Vacation, vacation, vacation: I could never get tired of you!! I am updating the ipod, icing down the beer and heading out in the morning. Packing the camera so I can share some of the memories with you guys, so stay tuned.

For Thanksgiving last year we rented a beach house in Fort Morgan, Alabama. I had never been to the beach in November, it was to cold to swim but we had an amazing time.  We got some great shots of the sunset, and literally each night was better than the next.  It's just something about the waves or the salty air that just heals your soul.  

“It’s hard for me to put into words why I like the beach so much. 
Everything about it is renewing for me, almost like therapy...Beach Therapy” 
--Amy Dykens

One question before I leave: Are we there yet?

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