July 08, 2009

Love minus the Love Handles

Surprise, Surprise!!!  Look what I found on my keychain last night as I was leaving Britt's house. 

It is official - we are members of Red's Health Club.  This is a first for me, hard to believe I am 32 and still a Red's virgin.  I have used the enormous facilities with friends and playing tennis for league, but never have I called myself a member. No more. I am not the minority in this red forsaken town anymore, I will pack myself in the meat market and perspire my way into a healthy lifestyle.  
January 2008 I joined a little gym by my house, starting waking up at 5 am five days a week to workout. I ran my first triathlon last year, and actually fulfilled my New Years Resolution. The gym became a way of life and I jumped at many opportunities to do boot camps and classes. Fast forward to January 2009 and I have not seen the break of dawn in 6 months. I met "the one" and spent many late nights and extravagant dinners getting to know him. The end result was love and an additional 10 lbs of fat. So, the coffee break is over, it's time to get back on the saddle, update the shuffle, and dust off the alarm clock. 

All 5am phone calls are welcome!!

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