March 17, 2010

On A Sunday Afternoon

Britt and I spent Sunday afternoon at his family's farm out in the middle of some where near the middle of no where. I brought the nikon to capture our little slice of calmness for the day. We stayed till after sunset so my camera could play with the lovely light.

I love these pictures. I love taking pictures. Their is so much beauty to be seen through the lens of a camera. It is so fulfilling to capture that special moment, or pictures like these that bring you to a calm place just by looking at them.

Yes, underneath the peaceful water rest hundreds of bass fishies - yummy!!

Happy Hump Day!!!!

"The Farm"


  1. Great pics!!! Now you know why a love going back hometo the Prairie...the calmess is just something you can't get anywhere else.


  2. i easily love all your writing taste, very exciting.
    don't give up as well as keep creating mainly because it simply just worth to follow it,
    excited to read a whole lot more of your content articles, stunning day!

  3. Wow...I'd never want to leave there! Gorgeous pics!

  4. Britt comes from th country...very interesting!

    Gorgeous shots!


  5. Beautiful pics!! Why can't I capture things like this?! GRRRRRRRRRR.

    Photoagraphy makes me stabby AC! Pleae be our resident photog?
