March 15, 2010

Project Wedding

Going to the chapel comes with a hefty price tag, and the more I start booking and buying things the larger my budget gets. Before I even started looking around I started a spreadsheet with a decent budget that I wanted to stick with, but I have already started to bargain with myself. I mean really what is a extra hundred here and there when you are spending thousands. While standing firm on the things I love and want for the wedding I have also learned that there is a cheaper way around most things. I wanted to share with you my bargain finds for the wedding.

Vera Wang guest book - instead of paying $75 for this beautiful guest book at the retail stores I got it for $35 on I would like to get it engraved with our names and wedding date. I never realized the importance of a guest book, I actually thought they were sort of a nuisance, but its a written account of all the witnesses of your marriage. Great keepsake!!!!

Candles from Sam's Club - I got a case of little tea candles for only $22, if your counting (like I am) that is about $2 per candle. Bargain!!!

Mint Julep cups from Whole Sale Flowers and Supplies for centerpieces at the wedding reception. I got them for $8.35 per cup. What a great deal considering the retail stores are selling them for $25 a piece.

A two teir fingertip length veil from Bella Bridal Veils on Esty for only $34. Both tiers are finished all the way around with a delicate pencil edge. I love Esty, they have amazing homemade and vintage stuff for a great price!!!!!

For the Bride and Groom exit I got white cones & bells on ebay. The cones took forever to fold and glue together but I managed to finish them while watching the most boring Bachelor finale in the history of the show. Yes I bought them knowing they would show up on my doorstep as a flat piece of cardboard, but sometimes a little more work is required when trying to save the monies. We will fill the cones with lavender pedals for everyone to throw, toss, launch, pitch, fling, lob or hurl at us. And whoever is not in throwing things at me will have the option of obnoxiously ringing bells as we escape.

Hankies for the ladies - as a gift for a few of the leading ladies in our lives I got these embroidered handkerchiefs to catch those happy tears. I found a vendor on and I picked out the sayings and color thread and she had them shipped to me in three weeks. The hanky below is for my grandmother, I think I am pretty save in not spoiling her surprise because she has yet to figure out how to turn on a computer much less check my lovely little blog. Give her a break she is 87 years old. The hankie reads "Your love gives me roots and helped me find my wings."

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