October 30, 2010

Holy Cow!

I love taking pictures. Have you noticed? I got my very first SLR camera three years ago and have enjoyed every minute behind the lens. We went to visit my grandparents today and I finally remembered to take the camera with me.

Cows are so funny, they have such cute faces, very docile, and so so skittish. Here are my pictures from the day, that's all.


Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go!!!


This little cutie is 6 weeks old, as we say in the south - shaaaa baby. Check out her eye lashes!!

Can you just hear the gossip between these ladies, "who is that two legged homegirl with the camera and the skinny jeans?"

Pretty girl - she looks silky smooth (and fat - yes you fat girl).

I love this cow, she is posing for the camera!!!

Baby got back!! Anybody hungry for rump roast? (sorry now I am grossed out)

This is Petry the bull, they keep about 25 cows per bull on the farm.
Petry is a busy man!!

October 29, 2010

Georgia On My Mind

We have made it back from our annual Hilton Head golf trip. The hubs ends his grueling 8 month golf season on this lovely little island, and I always "need" a little trip out of town. The highlight of my week was our day trip to Savannah. We started our day eating some grilled oysters at Uncle Bubba's then headed to the beautiful parks and walked around town.

They have some wonderful shopping in Savannah, this little home store was my favorite!! I also went to my first ever Circa Lighting store - amazing!!!

After the parks and shops we went to the City Market and checked out the art and candy. We had wine and cheese at this amazing tapas restaurant. Cosmopolitan magazine called it "the sexiest places in the world, a must do."

Then we made it to River Street to watch the sunset.

We ended our day taking a haunted ghost tour, it was quite interesting to say the least.

Now back to the mounds of dirty clothes, work, and preparing for our busy halloween weekend. I need a vacation from our vacation.

October 26, 2010

Sweetness, Cuteness, Awesomeness!!!

My wedding photographer just sent me a little teaser from our wedding pictures!! My little blue eyed bombshell niece "The Flower Girl" has stolen the whole show, and rightfully so.......

When my sister noticed she was crying she asked her "why the tears?" Emily answered "I am just so happy for my Nanny." Their are no words for how much I love this little girl, and no words for how happy I am I did not miss this moment. Priceless!!!

"Tears are words the heart can't express"

My florist did a fantastic job, the flower girl was decked out with tons of beautiful FLOWERS!!!! The pomander ball of white roses and her headpiece were so perfect. She took exactly what was in my head and made it come to life. I don't think I will be able to wait much longer for the rest of the pictures!!! This is so exciting.


"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise, trouble or hard work,
it means to be in the midst of those things
and still be calm in your heart." -unknown

(image from my husband's family farm)

October 20, 2010

Wine and Wood

In keeping with the barn theme from yesterday.......This unique wine rack is one of our wedding gifts from my family, and if you bear with me I will give you the story behind it. You know I always have a story....

I grew up on a 20 acre farm in the country, yes I am a country girl turned city. I had a wonderful, amazing, adventurous childhood on our farm. The hub of my adventures always began and ended in this huge barn we had behind my grandparents house. It was not your typical barn - on the left side my dad had an office that he turned into a music studio where I played my first electric guitar with the speakers blaring. In the back of the barn he had another area that he turned into a dark room where he developed all his photography. They had every type of tool, torch, or concoction one could ever imagine. One year we had chickens, the next a pig, then bunnies, next goats, then sheep. We always had horses and a garden, and in the later years we had a fishing pond. Needless to say it was a wonderland for any child and I really believe I am the person I am today because I was able to explore and really find myself as a kid.

I can still close my eyes and see every part of that farm. Now the sad part. The major caretakers of this land (my dad and grandfather) both passed away, my sister and I moved away for school, so my grandmother was left to care for the farm. Five years ago hurricane Rita blew the socks off her little life on the farm and we moved her to town. The farm is now abandoned and overgrown, it makes me so sad and we have no clue what to do with it.

So to pull this story together for our wedding gift my family went to that old barn and cut down some of the cypress wood and had this lovely wine rack made from the wood of the barn. How special!!!

This is the note on the bottom of the wine rack:
Made especially for Ann Marie and Britt with wood from the Bernard barn in Ester.
Love Leah & Andrew

October 19, 2010

I Heart Barn Doors

I want a sliding barn door in my house!! Our master bathroom is half the size it should be because this huge door opens up into the bathroom. You have to close the door to get into the cabinet behind it. My solution is a stylish sliding door like the ones below. It would open the space up and make the bath look double in size. What do you think? Much more stylish than a boring sliding door.

(via Southern Living)

October 18, 2010

Georgetown Sweetness

The husband just left for a road trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina to play something like 30 rounds of golf in a week. I am flying up on Wednesday to meet him, and do some shopping in Savanna!!! In the meantime I am slightly bored. I was looking through some pictures from my DC trip and wanted to share with you guys my little cupcake tour.

I could not leave DC until I got my hands on the famous Georgetown cupcakes, we waited in a line wrapped around the building for 20 minutes. It was well worth the wait. Check out below some of the flavors we got, the icing was amazing but the cakes were a bit dry. Overall each little cupcake was well worth the calories.

Yes I did get an entire dozen!!!

And I took a bite of each one!!!!

Chocolate and Vanilla

Caramel Apple
Red Velvet

October 17, 2010

Eddie Ross in Lafayette LA

I am sooo very sad. I will be on a jet plane when this lovely event takes place. I love Eddie Ross, he is such a talent. SO, all my friends in Lafayette make sure you check it out and report back to me. I can not believe I am actually going to miss this.

The Acadiana Symphony Orchestra Decorator Showcase!!!!

October 16, 2010

Work Space

We have this little nook in our great room that was originally suppose to be a fire place, but I think the company that built the house ran out of money so it is now called a nook with a chimney instead of a fireplace (sad face). I love nooks so we brainstormed about what to do with this little magical space for a year now. First we thought of going with the first plans and making it a fireplace, then we leaned towards a built in to give us storage space, but I wanted something more stylish. Finally, with the help of an amazing friend with some connections in Indonesia, we have this beautiful carved reclaimed teak wood desk with a glass top. It has instantly become my favorite spot in the house!!!

This is the spot where my silly little blog post come to life.

October 14, 2010

Snuggle Bugs

Napping is my thing!!!

I would give my pinking finger to be crawled up in bed next to this cutie. Little Elizabeth is so sweet and her mommy sends me pictures like this all the time.
She makes my ovaries ache.

October 12, 2010

Unique Like Everyone Else

What to put above the fireplace? It's the centerpiece of the entire room so its got to be something special. I love art, but a big piece of art to go above the fire could end up costing you a fortune and then you are stuck with that look for ever. So today lets look at some gorgeous cheaper alternatives.

The above room is from Jennifer Worts. Let's break the mantel down, we have about 5 different pieces. One medium size round mirror, three different size frames, a vase with flowers, two little birds, and a tall dish. Simple yet genius, you probably have a few of these pieces lying around your house, and it would be quite easy to find these pieces at ikea, tjmax, or your local antique store.

I don't remember where I got this picture but it has to be my favorite, I love antique maps and wing back chairs. You can find some amazing old maps on ebay for great prices and maps just go with anything and everything, they add a little history to your space.

If you do go with a fancy art piece just keep it neutral so you can change the design around without having to ditch the expensive piece of art. I love this design by Michael Del Piero!!!

One last inspiration for the guys, this picture is of the Nottingham Estate from Brown Design. Another mirror, but this mirror is very unique, I love the shapes and texture it has. A simple sail boat, candle sticks, and a pottery vase. Again about 5 pieces that add interest to your mantel without being cluttered.

OK now I just need a fire place so I can decorate it!!!!!

October 08, 2010

October 05, 2010

Flower Power

While we were honeymooning at the Pink Sands Resort in the Bahamas I fell in love with the light fixtures they had in the main restaurant. These floral chandeliers immediately caught my eye and every time we would pass through the lobby I would point them out to my new husband. Once we where back in the states I was surprised how easy it was to find these lovely little lights.

Can you believe they even have one a target, its called Capiz Shell Floral Pendant in a 15" for $400.

Lotus Flower Chandelier from Island Woods, 10" for $162 or 16" for $300

Lotus Flower Chandelier from Viva Terra, 13" for $329 or 21" for $649

I found the two images below from Decorpad.com.....