December 27, 2011

Still Here

We are still here and still with child. Only 10 more days till my due date but the little peanut does not seem like he is making an exit anytime soon. I do realize that could change within a day or so but nothing has happened so far. I promise to keep you guys posted, but my blogging will be at a minimum for the next few months. No new design projects will be happening around our house for a while.

More than likely we will have tons of pictures coming your way in the form of an adorable newborn or a lady that is pregnant forever!!!!

December 16, 2011

Michael's Nursery Tour

My sweet little baby boy will sleep and grow up in this room, and that makes my heart happy!! I have imagined for years what my son's nursery would look like - modern and vintage, colorful and light, playful and sophisticated. It would be a place for him to dream and grow!!!

I have poured lots of energy and time into making every detail just right. Fun enough for a kid but grown up enough that it would be an extension of our home. I wanted a room
that was all his for a long time, not something that I would have to change after he becomes a little man. I didn't have a theme for the room, I just wanted things that I loved. It's very modest done on a tight budget but it's everything that I dreamed of. We are hoping to replace the old carpet by the time he starts crawling around, but that will be a project for later.

Enough talking, I will let these pictures tell the story.....

The changing table was a purchase from our Round Top trip last year. I paid a whopping $150 for the antique dresser, all I had to do was dust it off and line the drawers with contact paper.

The bookshelf has been around for years and we gave it a good sanding and painted it a BM color - Rockport Gray. The side table near the rocker is a cedar chest from my husband's grandmother, we painted the outside the same gray color as the bookshelf and left the inside cedar for more storage in the room.

The blue print that is framed in the bottom of the bookcase was free from this website. I just saved it on my computer and printed it on some thick white paper and found an old frame hanging around the house. I love this scripture verse "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11. So fitting for a kids room and the little paper airplane in the print is so cute.

Crib - Amazon; Jenny Lind in White
Chair - Ikea Jenny Lund, read about rocker
Fabric for Pillow on Chair - Interior Fabric (local shop)
Fabric for Bed Skirt - Joann's Fabric
Orange Aardvark - Amazon, Cordy Roy
Gray Owl - Pier One
Lion Print - Sarah Jane Studio
White Frames - Ikea
Zinc Letters - on shelf above changing table; Anthropologie
Animal Flash Cards - on shelf, Anthropologie
Wall Color Paint - Benjamin Moore OC-14 "Natural Cream" (trim in "White Dove")
Antique Airplane - Paul Michael's Store
Antique Blue Truck - TJMaxx
Baskets for Toys - in bookcase, Ikea
Animal Photography - above the side table; Sharon Montrose
Curtains - Ikea
Floor Lamp - Lowes; Lamp Shade - Kirkland's
White shelves - Ikea (painted the trim color)
Gray Throw Blanket - Target
Small Moroccan Shaped Mirror - World Market

December 13, 2011

Paint the Town Gray

We reused a few pieces of old furniture for the nursery so we could stick to our original budget. So instead of having all these mixed matched pieces of different color wood I decided to paint them the same color so it would all match. We have an old cedar chest that is being used as a nightstand and a huge bookcase that was this ugly blonde wood. I painted them both BM-Rockport Gray and I love how they came out.

Now I am obsessed with painting all the furniture in my house gray. I think I have convinced my husband to let me paint one more piece, a dresser in our bedroom. I guess it would look a little weird if the entire house ended up gray.

Look how amazing these spaces look with some gray in them......


December 09, 2011

Week 36

Things are not fun - it's getting difficult to breath, sleep, sit, walk, or even eat. The second I walk into my house from work the pajama pants and slippers are on and the couch is calling my name. I was in bed for 7pm last night and only got about 3 hrs of sleep. I am pretty sure this is the stage of pregnancy everyone warns you about, but I still feel blessed and happy to know that in only 28 days we will get to meet our little peanut.

The nursery is all done, and I promise that I will take some pictures as soon as I get a burst of energy (hopefully this weekend). All the baby clothes are washed, bags are packed for the hospital and the car seat is hook up. Now we just wait, wait, and wait. The big question around here is when?

December 04, 2011

Sunday and Football

I never post on my blog on Sunday but this is worth it: You see our Sundays consist mainly of church and football. So after church today I came home and watched football all day. All this talk about Tebow each week I thought it would be cool to share this.......

When Tim Tebow wore John 3:16 on his eye black to a certain game, over 92 million people looked that verse up on google. That means over 92 million people heard the Gospel just because one man took a stand.

And this.....

I am a fan!!!!

November 30, 2011

Bah Humbug

Now that Thanksgiving is over we can start thinking about Christmas!!! With the birth of our first born son coming right around the corner I have decided that we are going to have a Charlie Brown tree this year with the bare minimal. I went to Paul Michael's store today and got a little tree wrapped in burlap and a nativity scene. And that my dear friends will be the extent of my Christmas decor.

But I can still enjoy some pretty pictures and inspiration from the pros.

This is kinda the look I am going for this year.....

And a girl can still dream.....

Love this entire room from Better Home & Gardens!!!!

Love an aqua Christmas!!!

November 28, 2011


Monday back at work after a 5 day holiday......

November 19, 2011

Week 33

Our little man is the size of a pineapple this week. I am defiantly in the waddle stage of my pregnancy, and its down right hard to do daily task carrying around this big belly. Only 7 more weeks of free room and board in mommies belly for the little peanut. We are going to the doctor's office every 2 weeks now, packing hospital bags, and making sure we have everything we need for a new baby. Who ever dreamed that such a little person would need so much stuff.

The nursery is 95% done, my lovely husband is priming the bookcase right now in the garage!!! Once the bookcase makes it back upstairs, a few finishing touches and I can relax and enjoy the peaceful little space we created.

November 17, 2011

Peanut Butter Blossoms

I was told to bring deserts to our little Thanksgiving gathering, and since I am the cook I get to pick what goes in my oven next Thursday (yes Thanksgiving is only a week away). Sweets have become the vain of my existence throughout this pregnancy, so everyone will be lucky if half these cookies actually make it. Who can go wrong when you mix peanut butter and chocolate - perhaps two of my favorite ingredients.

And for the husbands favorite desert I might mix him up a batch of THESE to bring along with us to visit the family. But back to my little heavenly blossoms.........

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda

Extra sugar
48 milk chocolate chips

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Remove wrappers from heresy kisses. Mix together all ingredients expect the heresy kisses and extra sugar for rolling cookie ball.

Shape dough into 1 inch balls, roll in sugar and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into center of each cookie; cookie will crack around edges.

Let cool and enjoy!!!!

November 15, 2011


Think I just needed to remind myself today that attitude really is is everything!!!

November 11, 2011

Showered with love!!

Last weekend was our baby shower. It was absolutely perfect with all my favorite people celebrating this new life that is about to come into the world. I am so lucky.

Here are some photos from the day.....

Such a cute idea - we had baby pictures of me and my husband hanging from the
mantel with little Michael's ultrasound pictures in the middle. Who will he look like?

Everyone wrote a little note to the baby!!!

This is perhaps the most amazing red velvet cake I have ever put in my mouth.
It's from Southside Bakery in Lafayette. To die for.

And last but not least my phenomenal group of friends.
I kid you not when I say I could not make it through life without these ladies.
They are the core of who I am, we have celebrated many years together and
many ups and downs!!! It makes my heart happy to have everyone together!

November 04, 2011

The Weather Outside is...

Absolutely perfect!!!! It's 65 degrees and a lovely Friday afternoon, this day is just plain gorgeous. I wanted to send you off on your weekend with some of my favorite inspiring outdoor pictures.

Have a wonderful weekend friends!!!





November 02, 2011

Sharon Montrose Prints

We finally ordered our three Sharon Montrose prints for the nursery. I already have the empty frames hanging on the wall and it will be so nice to have them filled with these gorgeous animals for little Michael. I was not going for a "theme" for the nursery but it seems that the animals have taken over. I hope the little peanut loves animals as much as him mommy does.

I purchased three of the white Ikea Ribba Frame in 12x16 with 8x10 opening matte for $9.99 each. The prints measure 7x9 so that will leave me with a thin 1/4 inch white border between the print and the matte.

The only other design project we have left in his room is to sand and paint the big bookcase. Then it will be off to purchasing more practical things - like a car seat to take the peanut home with!!!!

October 31, 2011


Have a safe and happy Halloween!!!!


October 28, 2011

Week 30

This week is a huge milestone for me (and the little peanut). Week 30: we are finally in the 30's, the baby could thrive and survive outside my belly, in the 3rd trimester, 10 weeks left, and 70 more DAYS!!! I feel like we are finally in the home stretch, my life is slowing down and I am taking time to relax and enjoy this stage in our lives.

We went for an ultrasound last week and he was weighing in at 3 lbs, which puts him in the 70th percentile for his age. Of course he was showing off for us sucking his toes, making faces, and poor baby has had the hiccups every time we take a look at him.

I have a new found respect for my mother and what she went through to have me in this world. I really can not understand how my body will handle the peanut growing anymore. But those who have gone before me assure me that I will stretch, I will grow bigger than imaginable, and I will go back to "normal."

October 27, 2011

White is a Color

I stumbled across Lisa Sherry Interieurs in Lonny magazine and fell in love with her style. Here are a few of my favorites from her design portfolio for your viewing pleasure. Such calming rooms....

North Carolina

New York City

Designer Showhouse

October 26, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I have been on the hunt for a round or quatrefoil shaped mirror for the nursery. I finally found "the one" but I have to say I fell in love with lots of mirrors along the way. Here are a few of my favorites...

Via Lowes (30"x30") $64.97. Warning you about the Lowes mirror: the frame is hallow plastic. While it looks great hanging on the wall, I guess sometimes you get what you pay for. For me the harsh black color did not work with the room.

Via Pier 1 (36.75") $299.99. This mirror from Pier One is absolutely gorgeous, but it was all wrong for the little space I needed it in. It was way to big and a bit on the feminine side for a little boys room.

Via Tonic Home (17") $419.00. While this little Captain's Mirror with the leather straps was the perfect size, look, and shape the price was way out of my range.

Via World Market (22"x22") $65.00. And finally here is the one I came home with!!!! It was the perfect size, perfect shape, and perfect color. With my 20% off coupon at World Market the price was not to bad.